CSN Spanish Nuclear Safety Council Commissioner,Javier Dies, participates in the opening of European Nuclear Young Generation Forum, in Tarragona - 2021

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Spanish Nuclear Safety Council Commissioner,Javier Dies, participates in the opening of European Nuclear Young Generation Forum, in Tarragona

This morning the Nuclear Safety Council Commissioner and President of the Nuclear Fission R+D Technology Platform (CEIDEN, for its acronym in Spanish), Javier Dies, has participated in the opening session of the European Nuclear Young Generation Forum (ENYGF`21) congress taking place in Tarragona until September 30th.

At his inauguration speech, Dies has gratefully appreciated this opportunity to evidence the relevance of the work performed by ENYGF to serve as a link between the current generation of nuclear energy professionals and new generations.

Afterwards, Commissioner Dies has debated in the frame of the seminar “How training can shape your career path: Life-long learning and guidance” which has been organized by the European Nuclear Energy Network (ENEN) in cooperation with “Jóvenes Nucleares”.

The Commissioner has focused his words on the relevance of permanent learning by the regulator as a crucial constituent to guarantee its competence to warrant the regulatory efficiency, and supervision of safety before the citizens. In a similar way, he has remarked the relevance of life-long training from the very beginning in the professional career of CSN experts, as well as for the regulatory body from the organization standpoint.

ENYGF congress meets biennially. Since the beginning in 2005, it was celebrated in Zagreb, Amsterdam, Córdoba, Prague, Stockholm, Paris, Manchester, Gent and this year in Tarragona.

The European Nuclear Education Network, (ENEN) is an international nonprofit organization. The main purpose of the ENEN Association is the preservation and the further development of expertise in the nuclear fields by higher education and training in Europe.

* Check here the glossary of technical terms *                   


Opening session

Javier Dies Llovera, Nuclear Safety Council Comissioner

Héctor Dominguis, president of the Spanish Nuclear Society  (SNE,by its acronym in Spanish)

Jadwiga Najder, president of the European Nuclear Society Young Generation Network  (ENS-YGN)

Petros Papadopoulos, former president of the ENS-YGN

Francisco Suárez, Congress president of ENYGF'21 and of the Youth Nuclear Commission


Javier Dies Llovera, Nuclear Safety Council Comissioner

Gabriel Pavel, Executive Director at European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN)

Abderrahim Al-Mazouzi, Chair of Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP)

Leon Cizelj Division, Head Scientific Councilor of the Josef Stefan Institute  and former president of ENEN

Jaime Redondo, Operators Instructor at TECNATOM

Roberta Cirillo (ENEN)