CSN Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) Commissioner Javier Dies lectures in the IAEA international “Nuclear Energy Management” seminar - 2021

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Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) Commissioner Javier Dies lectures in the IAEA international “Nuclear Energy Management” seminar

Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) commissioner and president of the Spanish Nuclear R+D Technology Platform, Javier Dies, has acted as lecturer on the international seminar “Nuclear Energy Management”, organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in cooperation with the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE) that is taking place in Tarragona (Spain). By means of this seminar, IAEA is supporting Member States to qualify professionals that will exercise functions related to the management and the administration of programs and applications related to nuclear energy.

This seminar is mainly devoted to young professionals, aimed at providing them with the leadership skills needed for the development of their professional careers; make them aware of the main challenges of nuclear energy and widening the knowledge on new opportunities in the nuclear sector.

This seminar, which started on September 20th and will conclude on October 1st , provides a wide international prospective and puts into value the ample knowledge of the IAEA on life cycle management of nuclear power plants. On remark of this objective, Javier Dies’ lecture “Introduction to Nuclear Power Plant Life Cycle Management” has been focused on the management of nuclear power plants all along their life cycle.

On this respect, J. Dies has stressed the relevance of optimized operation, maintenance and updates of structures, systems, components and operational practices. Similarly, appropriate management of human resources was stressed.

On this occasion, some of the training sessions will be integrated in the technical sessions of the European Nuclear Young Generation Forum (ENGYF-21) congress that will be held in Tarragona September 27th -30th.

Since their beginning in 2010, more than 28 seminars have taken place with a participation in excess of 880 professionals. This time 17 participants from nine different nationalities have assisted in person. The more recent seminars took place in USA, Italy, Russia and Japan and the next one will be organized in China.

* Check here the glossary of technical terms *