CSN The president of the CSN presents in INRA the update of the measures against COVID-19 adopted by the Spanish regulatory body - 2021

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The president of the CSN presents in INRA the update of the measures against COVID-19 adopted by the Spanish regulatory body

This afternoon a meeting of the International Nuclear Regulators Association (INRA) took place virtually, in which the president of the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN), Josep Maria Serena i Sender, has participated.

Serena i Sender presented to his counterparts the protection measures and restrictions against COVID-19 that are currently being taken in Spain and the latest news about the vaccination program. Likewise, he commented that there has been no changes in terms of nuclear safety or regulatory practices since the last meeting and announced that CSN will continue to prioritize teleworking for its employees, although it is foreseen that CSN staff will begin to incorporate progressively and partially to the office from the month of May.

Subsequently, Nina Cromnier, president of INRA and Director General of the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM), proposed the following topics to be discussed at the next meeting of the association: safety culture, organisational efficiency, innovation, IRRS missions (Integrated Regulatory Review Service), changes in inspection practices related to COVID-19 (especially those related to risk information), internal audits and INRA's guidance to the NEA working group tasked with the development of ‘The Characteristics of a Trusted Regulator’ document.

In this sense, Josep Maria Serena i Sender shown his interest in the safety culture proposal as well as the organizational efficiency (including inspection practices).

About INRA

The International Nuclear Regulators Association (INRA), founded by the regulatory bodies of the nine countries in the world with more experience in the licensing of nuclear activities was created in Paris in May 1997.

INRA holds two official meetings a year where regulatory issues of common interest are openly discussed. In this international association, transparency, multilateral cooperation and the exchange of experiences among the countries that compose it are promoted.

*Check here to check the glossary of technical terms*