CSN 12-14 June 2019, Helsinki

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12-14 June 2019, Helsinki

Spanish presentation about the Nuclear knowledge management in the 22th meeting of the Bureau to the SC on Regularoty Capacity Building and Knowledge Management

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The CSN Participates in the Steering Committee Meeting of the Nuclear Energy Agency in Paris

The progress, forecasts and organizational needs of the organization and its main projects for the current year were discussed Information was provided on the development of the high-level...

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BIENVENIDO AL CANAL DE DENUNCIAS DEL CSN   Este canal de comunicación permite presentar DENUNCIAS sobre sospechas de conductas irregulares en el CSN incluidas en el ámbito de...


Budgeted human resource needs that require the incorporation of new personnel have to be covered through the Public Employment Offer.   .

The CSN participates in the meeting of the Nuclear Energy Agency's Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI)

Delegation led by Commissioner Francisco Castejón attends the 75th edition in Gréoux-les-Bains, Francia These biennial meetings review the progress and planning of the activities dependent on...

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