CSN Aging management and long-term operation, key issues at the 41st CNRA meeting - 2019

Edukira joan

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Aging management and long-term operation, key issues at the 41st CNRA meeting

A delegation of the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) led by the commissioner, Pilar Lucio, has attended the forty-first meeting of the Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), belonging to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which has taken place in Paris between the 3 and the 4 of June.

The president of the CNRA, Petteri Tiippana, has welcomed the attendees and approved the minutes of the 40th meeting of this Committee. Following, the general director of the NEA, William Magwood, has informed about the most recent activities of this agency and of some of its new projects. In particular, he presented the main decisions taken during the last meeting of the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI), among which was the presentation of the new multinational NEA framework addressing in-pile fuel and material testing. Likewise, he highlighted the presentation of the activities of the Small Modular Reactors Regulators Forum activities of the CNRA.

Commissioner Pilar Lucio, who was attending this meeting for the first time as a delegate of the Spanish regulatory body in this NEA Committee, wanted to show the commitment of the new Board of the CSN with the CNRA and its willingness to collaborate and continue with the activity of this Committee.

Throughout the sessions, the heads of the working groups of Public Communication, Codes and Standards, Safety of Advanced Reactors and Boiling Water Reactor have presented their progress. In addition, countries such as Russia, Finland, Canada, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan and South Korea have explained their main regulatory tasks developed during the first half of 2019.

In addition, CNRA members have discussed the challenges presented by the management of aging and the long-term operation of nuclear power plants, especially among countries that are not within the European Union.

The CNRA is an international committee composed of representatives of the regulatory bodies of OECD member countries. It was created in 1989 to guide the NEA program on the regulation, authorization and inspection of nuclear facilities in terms of security.