Contenido principal
Licensing of facilities
Autorización de instalaciones
The nuclear facilities licensing regime is governed by the Regulation on nuclear and radioactive facilities. According to this regulation, the Ministry of Industry is responsible for granting the authorisations needed for the siting, construction, operation, modification, transport, dismantling and decommissioning of facilities, thus, applications must be presented to it accompanied by the documentation required for each case. However, to issue the authorisations for nuclear facilities, a mandatory report on nuclear safety and radiation protection matters is needed from the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN). For this reason, before issuing the authorisation, the Ministry sends a copy of all the documentation to the CSN, which prepares the mandatory report. This report is binding in the case of refusal and regarding the conditions it sets for granting the authorisation.
The licensee of each authorisation is responsible for the functioning of the authorised facility or activity in safe conditions, always within the conditions set out in the official documents under which the authorisation is granted. It is responsible for implementing the practices contained in this documentation and keeping it updated, reporting to the Ministry of Industry and the CSN on questions that could affect the conditions of the authorisation or the nuclear safety and radiation protection and, generally, complying with the regulations in force. The owner is also responsible for managing the nuclear facility in any emergencies that may arise.
For further information on the licensing of radioactive facilities, please visit the section Radiation protection > Licensing of facilities.