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Evaluation of operating experience
The monitoring and analysis of operating experience, both internal and external, is one of the most important sources of information and feedback for learning and improving the safety and reliability of nuclear facilities. It is essential to systematically collect and analyse the information generated during the various phases of the life of a facility, from construction to operation, the definitive shutdown and decommissioning. Not only are occurrences within the plant itself analysed but also within all those that could have an effect on it, to determine whether or not a certain type of failure is possible and, if it is, how to prevent its appearance by modifying the design of the plant or the operating procedures.
Each licensee must provide the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) with an annual report on the specific operating experience of each plant according to the conditions of each operating permit. These reports are included in the oversight process of each facility and are used as basic information for the inspections by the CSN on operating experience.