Contenido principal
Comuniades Autónomas
One of the main objectives of the Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) is to strengthen and increase the mechanisms for cooperation and relations with regional governments.
The CSN participates in activities covering areas such as planning, preparedness and response in the event of radiological emergencies through specific agreements with any regions of Spain that so require.
It also collaborates with some regions in environmental radiation monitoring programmes and licensing boards.
Assignment agreements
The CSN has the power to entrust regions with the function of performing tasks on behalf of the Council.
Function assignments have the objective to enhance the performance of the CSN’s functions through the use of regions’ capabilities. The assignment of functions is a system of cooperation between the CSN and regions for the performance of certain tasks in exchange for economic compensation, but it does not in any way involve the transfer or delegation of powers.
Right now the CSN has function-sharing agreements with nine regions: the Principality of Asturias, Catalonia, Galicia, the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, Murcia, Navarre, the Basque Country and Valencia.