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Tenders and public procurement procedures
The Spanish Nuclear Safety Council conducts its contractual activities as stipulated in the Royal Legislative Decree 3/2011 of 14th November, approving the revised text of the Public Sector Contracts Law. Its procurement regime is that of a Public Administration.
Pursuant to article 8.2 of the Law 15/1980 of 22nd April creating the Nuclear Safety Council, the CSN takes all necessary measures to ensure that people and the companies it engages respect the obligation to remain independent while rendering services. In no case may the CSN engage the services of people or companies related to those affected by the services subject to be procured.
To develop its activities, the CSN needs to engage works, services and supplies from outside companies through the contractor selection procedures established by the legislation in force. The CSN regularly uses the following types of procedures:
- The open procedure
- The negotiated procedure.
- The procedure for minor procurement contracts.
Public procurement tenders and minor contracts are announced on the Public Sector Procurement Platform following this route:
Tenders → Name of the contracting entity: Nuclear Safety Council → Search
Las licitaciones que el CSN tiene abiertas actualmente son las siguientes: :