CSN Directiva 2011-70-EURATOM, del Consejo, de 19 de julio de 2011, por la que se establece un marco comunitario para la gestión responsable y segura del combustible nuclear gastado y de los residuos radiactivos - EU regulation

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EU regulation

Normativa UE

Since the signing of the Treaty of Madrid on 12 June 1985, Spain has been part of the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), whose mission is to help raise the standard of living in the member states of the European Community by establishing the necessary conditions for the creation and safe development of nuclear-based industries.

Of all the tasks Euratom performs, three stand out in terms of their particular influence on the CSN’s work. The first is to establish uniform safety standards for the radiological protection of the population and workers and to enforce the application of such standards. The second is to apply the proper controls to guarantee that nuclear materials are used only for their intended purpose. The third is to establish relations with other countries and international organisations to promote advancement in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

European Community institutions issue rules and regulations that have a strong impact on domestic regulations, based on the provisions of the Euratom Treaty.


Directiva 2011-70-EURATOM, del Consejo, de 19 de julio de 2011, por la que se establece un marco comunitario para la gestión responsable y segura del combustible nuclear gastado y de los residuos radiactivos

Directiva 2011-70-EURATOM, del Consejo, de 19 de julio de 2011, por la que se establece un marco comunitario para la gestión responsable y segura del combustible nuclear gastado y de los residuos radiactivos (Version 1.1)

Normativa Unión Europea
Documento: Normas » Unión Europea (UE)
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Version 1.1

22/02/15 13:09
Status: Approved
Normativa Unión Europea
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Ocurrence Date 19/07/11 00:00
Publish Date 19/07/11 00:00
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1.1 9 Years Ago 776k Download
1.0 9 Years Ago 776k Download