CSN What we do about emergency plans

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What we do about emergency plans

Qué hace el CSN en relación a los Planes de Emergencia (3.20.7)

The functions of the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) regarding emergency plans are mainly those of advising the competent authorities on preparing off-site emergency plans for nuclear and radioactive facilities, informing on the approval of them and advising on, proposing and coordinating the prevention and response measures.

Regarding the on-site emergency plans of the facilities, the CSN informs on its approval, assesses the modifications proposed by the licensees and inspects their maintenance activities, including the conduct of the drills required by regulations.

In particular, its functions related to policy development and the planning, implementation and activation of emergency plans are the following:

Policy development

• Proposing to the authorities the basic regulations for nuclear and radiological emergency plans.

• Setting the radiological criteria on which the emergency plans must be based.

• Issuing the technical regulations needed for drawing up the emergency plans.

• Issuing guides and recommendations for the preparation, implementation and activation of the emergency plans.


• Providing support and technical advice to the regional and national authorities on the preparation of public responsibility emergency plans, according to each type of emergency.

• Licensing and controlling the emergency plans of the licensees of nuclear or radioactive facilities or activities.

• Preparing its own Emergency Action Plan.


• Collaborating with the authorities in defining and choosing the means and resources for public responsibility emergency plans.

• Verify the capabilities of the emergency plans of the licensees of nuclear or radioactive facilities or activities through inspections programmes, audits and periodic drills.

• Providing and keeping operational the means and resources needed to guarantee the operability of its action plans. In this sense, the CSN must collaborate in the training of the emergency responders and in the design and undertaking of exercises and drills.

• The heads of the radiological groups in each plan are appointed on a proposal from the CSN.

• The CSN’s Emergency Response Organisation guarantees that all the CSN’s planned actions in an emergency situation are covered.


• Assess the radiological situation that arises in a real emergency and its possible development in order to recommend to the emergency management the protection measures for the public and the actions to be put into practice in an emergency.

• Collaborate in putting the radiation protection measures into practice, activating and sending to the affected area its intervention unit to cooperate with those responsible for handling the emergency.

• Keeping the CSN Emergency Room (Salem) on permanent alert and urgent intervention teams in all provinces in which there are nuclear power plants and in the rest of the country, although on a lesser scale.

• Collaboration in public information actions about the applicable protection measures and the steps to be taken in case of a radiological emergency.