Contenido principal
External workers and radiological passport
Carnés radiológicos y empresas externas
The regulations for the radiological protection of outsourced or sub-contracted workers at risk of exposure to ionising radiation due to their intervention in a controlled area state that the companies to which these workers belong are obliged to present a declaration of their activities by registration in a register created for this purpose by Resolution of the CSN, the External Companies Registry of the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council.
Additionally, the regulations for the radiological protection of external workers state that the companies to which these workers belong are responsible for the following:
1) Assigning a radiological monitoring document – known as radiological passport – to each worker and keeping it updated.
The radiological passport is a public, personal and non-transferable document for workers performing their professional activity in more than one nuclear or radioactive facility, which contains information relating to:
- The doses (official and operational) received by the worker.
- The worker’s certificate of medical fitness for working in the presence of ionising radiations.
- The basic and specific training in radiological protection given to the worker.
- The companies and facilities in which the worker carries out his or her professional activity.
2) Providing its workers with the information and training relating to radiological protection required to carry out their work.
Within its responsibilities related to the control of external companies, the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council may carry out the checks it considers necessary to verify the authenticity of the data in the register as well as the degree of compliance with its obligations.
For further information on the procedures related to the external companies register and the radiological passport, please see the related documentation, which also answers to the most frequently asked questions about this subject.