Contenido principal
National Dosimetry Bank
Banco Dosimétrico Nacional (BDN)
Spanish radiation protection legislation requires that each exposed worker has a dose history recording the doses received during his or her working life and that this history is stored by the licensee of the centre in which the worker carries out the activity until the worker reaches the age of 75 and never for less than 30 years from the date the worker ceases his or her employment activity.
This last requirement may be difficult to comply with and therefore, to ensure that the dosage histories of exposed workers are always available, in 1985 the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) decided to create a National Dosimetry Bank (NDB) to centralise dosage records for all exposed workers in Spanish nuclear and radioactive facilities, thus ensuring a reliable and safe storage of these records, and also enabling:
• The identification of any exposed worker whose dosage exceeds the regulatory limits.
• The undertaking of studies on the doses resulting from the functioning of any nuclear or radioactive facility.
• The collection of data to support studies on exposure trends in various sectors (medicine, industry, etc.) to identify areas in which it may be necessary to set up strategies to reduce occupational doses.
• The collection of data to support epidemiological studies on various populations of exposed workers.
The NDB is a basic tool for the CSN in the area of the regulatory control of occupational exposure and also for preparing reports relating to occupational doses required to the CSN nationally (the Congress and the Senate) and internationally (United Nations, European Union, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, etc.).
With the approval of Directive 2013/59/Euratom on 5th December 2013, setting the basic standards of radiological protection in the European Union, all the member states are obliged to implement a national system similar to the NDB for filing occupational doses.