CSN The ALARA Network

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The ALARA Network


In 1996 the European Commission created the European Alara Network to boost research into matters relating to optimising radiological protection and promoting best ALARA practices in the industrial, medical and research sectors.

The objectives of the European ALARA Network are:

  • To promote the wide and uniform use of optimisation techniques in the various fields of occupational applications.
  • To provide mechanisms for the exchange and dissemination of information on practical experience.
  • To propose matters of interest to be discussed in meetings, workshops or European projects.
  • To maintain, develop and improve technical competence in radiological protection with special emphasis on the application of the ALARA principle.
  • To contribute to the harmonisation of radiological protection policies and practices. 
  • To contribute to the integration and effective cooperation of experts in radiological protection.

Likewise, this European network organises annual workshops dedicated to specific themes, seeking significant improvements in the application of the radiological protection system. Each workshop concludes with a set of recommendations for the European Commission, the national regulatory bodies and other interested parties, designed to facilitate the practical application of the ALARA principle.

It also publishes a six-monthly bulletin (ALARA Newsletter) to provide a contact point for all the professionals involved in radiological protection. It has an Internet portal (www.eu-alara.net) where all the information and results of the activities carried out since its creation are available.