Contenido principal
Working groups and thematic networks
Grupos de trabajo y redes temáticas
Groups of Experts on Articles of the Euratom Treaty
Under the Euratom Treaty, the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) provides representatives to sit on committees of experts. In addition, the CSN furnishes the government with support during Spain’s audits by experts from the European Commission (EC) on issues covered by Euratom, such as radiation protection, environmental protection and radioactive waste management at facilities in Spain.
The EC’s Clearinghouse network facilitates sharing and implementation of operating experience to enhance nuclear power plant safety. The members are mostly nuclear safety regulatory authorities of the European Union (EU) and their technical support organisations. The Clearinghouse’s activities, in which technical experts from the CSN participate, focus on processing and studying the information provided by hundreds of operating events sent in by the member states, for example, by conducting trend analyses, carrying out studies that target certain families of events and making quarterly tracking reports.
European ALARA Network
“ALARA” stands for “as low as reasonably achievable”. This refers to the rule of optimising exposure to ionising radiation so that doses are minimised as far as possible below the legal limits, taking account of the beneficial function sought and the context where the radiation is applied.
The European ALARA Network, which was created by the EC, is currently an independent, autonomous non-government organisation. The CSN takes part in its many activities and contributes to its goals of encouraging research, standardisation, the exchange of experiences throughout Europe in the field of optimising radiation protection and promoting good ALARA practices within European industry, medicine and research.
European Radiological Data Exchange Platform (EURDEP)
The Euratom Treaty requires member states to establish facilities to monitor radiation levels in the air, water and ground continuously, with the objective of evaluating the population’s exposure and ensuring compliance with the applicable nuclear safety and radiation protection standards.
EURDEP was created under the coordination of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the EC as a network for sharing real-time, standardised information from the national automatic radiological monitoring networks of the member states and other voluntarily participating countries.
Under normal conditions, the CSN feeds the platform daily information on dosage rates from the Automatic Station Network, regional radiological monitoring networks and measurements taken during emergency drills and exercises. In the event of a nuclear or radiological emergency, the frequency with which radiological data are sent is stepped up to hourly updates.
European Community Urgent Radiological Information Exchange (ECURIE) System
The ECURIE System is the technical implementation of a set of EC accords stemming from the Euratom Treaty, on the early notification and exchange of information between member states and the EC in the event of a nuclear or radiological emergency. The ECURIE System has three parts, a technological tool for sending and receiving notifications, an agreement on the format and type of information to send and a network of contact points and competent authorities in each state and in the EC itself, in charge of coordinating the system.
After first notification of an emergency, states are obligated to make regular reports on the radioactivity levels they are measuring and the emergency response measures they are taking. The CSN also takes part periodically in international drills to test the ECURIE action protocols.
Standing Working Group on the Transport of Radioactive Materials
The CSN belongs to the Standing Working Group (SWG) on the Transport of Radioactive Materials in the EU. The SWG was created by the EC at the request of the European Parliament, and it is made up of national experts specifically focusing on the field of safety in the transport of radioactive materials.
This group is an advisory committee on the application of rules and regulations on the international transport of radioactive materials both inside the EU and between member states and non-EU countries.
Nuclear Regulator Working Group on Licensing of Critical Software
This project is an initiative of the Nuclear Regulator Working Group (NRWG) and the Reactor Safety Working Group (RSWG) of the European Commission Directorate General for Environment. It is made up of technical experts from regulatory authorities and their technical support organisations, which include technical staff from the CSN.
The group’s mission is to define a position of consensus on design recommendations and the basic aspects of software licensing in the computer systems used at nuclear power plants for top-level safety functions, and to provide updates in step with new challenges as they arise.
European Study of Occupational Radiation Exposure (ESOREX)
The ESOREX study began in 1997 at the initiative of the European Commission. Its twofold objective is to describe the structure of the systems for controlling occupational exposure in the member states and to gather reliable dose information on individual and collective radiation exposure in the occupational sectors whose members are exposed to radiation.
The CSN has contributed during the study’s various phases by providing information on Spanish experience in this field and providing national dose data for study and analysis.